A French 18 Century Louis XV Inlaid Commode


A gilt bronze mounted kingwood and tulipwood two drawer commode stamped Schlichtig of the late Louis XV period, (circa 1770). The commode also bears the JME stamp, (for jurande des menuisiers-ébénistes), which was added once a committee made up of elected furniture guild members had approved the quality. Any furniture that failed to meet the required standards of craftsmanship was confiscated.

Jean Georges Schlichtig became a master October 2, 1765, late since he was 40 years old. According to the workshop’s inventory after his death, he died in February 1782. He is of German origin, as almost two thirds of cabinetmakers living and working on the rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine in PARIS, such as Weisweiler, BVRR, Oeben, RIESENER were German. The bulk of Schlichtig’s production dates from the transitional Louis XV-Louis XVI styles showing a preference for commodes.

This commode has a conforming grey/black mottled marble top.

Dimensions:52″W x 34″H x 23″D

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